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Memorial Day Memorial Ideas

“Ready, aim, fire!” a yell orders. Rifles fire at once. The sounds repeat in an organized pattern. Black suits stand with white hats, saluting in white gloves. Fighter jets close in overhead and zoom by. One jet skyrockets upwards...

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Finding Solace in Fiction

Have you ever caught yourself so consumed in a book or movie, that you forgot everything else around you? The world faded away along with distractions, being replaced by the character’s world, and worries and trials vanished, and maybe you...

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Meaningful Memorials

How do you remember loved ones who have passed away? Do you hold onto traditions or do you remember mottos? Whatever you may routinely do to remember your loved ones, it means something to you. If you are looking for further ideas, want...

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Death of a Parent

If this title sounds familiar, it should; in a few days, Tuesday, April 23, Bakken-Young is hosting a webinar with Ken Doka, Ph.D., MDiv, Death of a Parent: am I an adult orphan? I myself fall into this category, having experienced the death of...

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Remembering Them During Easter

With Easter right around the corner, you may remember family and loved ones who won’t join you this season. It breaks your heart and makes you not want to celebrate. While you don’t have to make big plans, find some tips here on why...

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