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Grief, Music, Summer

Grief, Music, Summer

How we carry our grief depends on perspective, but sometimes we can’t control our emotions. It can be challenging to “look to the bright side” or to be told the opposite, like, “It’s okay to cry, you can let it out.” Others may try to understand your grief but in reality, no one can truly get what you are going through. However we express or don’t express ourselves, we can count on something to express our inner thoughts, emotions, and subconscious. It is a remedy to many, even if temporary–it’s music. Let’s dive into grief, music, and summer together and find inspiration and solace again.


Summertime Sadness

Earlier in the summer of 2024, we experienced some of the wettest weather ever. It felt more like “June showers bring July flowers” instead of the usual rainy April. Maybe it was just a late spring, or us making a comeback from our drought last year, but this dampened many people’s moods. If you’re going through grief, dreary weather can worsen that. Experiencing dreary weather, seasonal depression, and/or grief can truly equate to summertime sadness. One thing that can help is music. Yep. Music has been known to boost the mental state of people experiencing depression, and anxiety, and can improve your overall mood. So, what kind of music? Let’s discuss.


Grief & Music

There are many types of music that individuals connect with. From hard rock to jazz, instrumental to soundtrack, country to pop, there is a genre out there for you. What do you listen to? Have you listened to your genre since undergoing your loss and grief? Put on that song that you miss hearing, or one you haven’t heard in a while. It will give you the joy you didn’t know you needed. Sometimes, listening to songs our loved ones liked can bring pain…but it is always worth it. Take your time in approaching this music if you need to, there is no timeline to the grieving process. If you are someone who needs relief or comfort, here are some recommendations:

  • Old songs you love and miss
  • Your loved one’s favorites
  • Peaceful instrumental like guitar, piano, harp, ukelele
  • Nature and relaxation ambient music
  • Gregorian Chant and religious

And many more!


Bakken-Young is here for your grief

We are more than a funeral home. We can support you as you grieve; before, during, or after your loss. We have been serving the River Falls community for 25 years and want to serve you as well. You deserve support. We promise to remain dedicated, trustworthy, caring for your grief, and accommodating you or your loved one’s wishes. Contact us today for free grief support. You are not alone.


“Music is communication. It is a connection. Music is freeing, calming, or even emotional. It is storytelling, love, fear, anxiety, depression, or all of the above. Music describes how you feel, and what you didn’t know you felt. It can help you understand yourself. And, it can make you remember a time and place and people you wish were there. That’s why grief and music go together. Grief can be felt in music and music can be healing for grief, even if temporary. Grief may never go away, but that’s why we have music.”


Read more about grief and music here.

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