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How to Enjoy Christmas While Grieving

How to Enjoy Christmas While Grieving

It may seem impossible, but here are some helpful hints to find the joy in Christmas even while you’re grieving. Joy and grief can coexist. Each moment of each day has something new within it and when a person is grieving it is okay to feel the sadness one moment and to embrace a feeling of happiness or joy in the next.

Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas time. The birth of our Savior and its remembrance are joyous occasions and should be. However, when a person has experienced the loss of a loved one, feeling joy or happiness often feels like a betrayal of some sort to their loved one. Yet the Bible says:

Psalm 5 11 (NIV)
“But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy.”
Psalm 116:15 (NIV)
“Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his faithful servants.”
James 4:9 – 10 (NIV)
“Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter
to mourning and your joy to gloom.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

So enjoying Christmas while grieving is a good thing. The Lord would have you filled with His joy as He makes your loved one at home in heaven. His Word acknowledges your grief, yet encourages your joy. Joy not based on the reality of missing your loved one, but on the reality that He is your Lord and Savior. He is caring for your loved one. He is your joy!

Joy filled activities that can foster a joy-filled heart at Christmas even while grieving include:

  • Attending a holiday concert.
  • Visiting a live Nativity.
  • Being involved with your church’s choir and Christmas activities.
  • Watching holiday films you and your loved one enjoyed watching together.
  • Watching ice-skaters at a local rink.
  • Reading the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke
  • Meditating on life after death in heaven.

Remember joy and grief can commingle within your heart. It is okay! It is good! It is right!

God loves you and wants you to feel joy in the midst of your sorrow. He understands.

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