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Death of a Parent

Death of a Parent

by Chaplain Julia Rajtar, MAPS, BCC

If this title sounds familiar, it should; in a few days, Tuesday, April 23, Bakken-Young is hosting a webinar with Ken Doka, Ph.D., MDiv, Death of a Parent: am I an adult orphan? I myself fall into this category, having experienced the death of both my parents within 5 years of each other. I am also keenly aware that some of the bereaved whom Bakken-Young served have experienced the death of both parents within months of each other. The death of a parent leaves us with many questions, one of which is, who am I now?

When a parent dies, there can be a ripple effect of losses we experience. Some have said they lost their best friend; some said they lost their human GPS; one said they lost the baker who shared the newfound skill with the grandchildren; another said they lost their home. We lose a generation and all the family and cultural history that comes with the death of a parent. After the death of a parent, our own mortality appears closer.

Having heard Ken Doka speak several times, I appreciate his knowledge, relatability, and the stories he shares to generate greater understanding. I appreciate that he continues to learn and grow in his field. I am grateful for the resources he provides, which are both practical and immediately applicable.

Join us for this webinar, whether you are grieving the death of a parent or someone else. We will learn about grief and how it affects us, in general, and more specifically, we will learn about how grief affects us after a parent has died. You will hear from a renowned speaker on death, grief, and bereavement, whose experience and sharing will impact us for life.

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