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Being Together is Better

You are experiencing grief or loss. It can be easy to be alone, but have you considered being together with your loved ones here? After all, being together is better. There is one opportunity we have coming up for you to interact with others. Read on for those details.

Why ‘being together is better’?

According to Solitude or Social Support in Grief? Why We Need Both | TAPS by Alan Wolfelt from the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, INC. (TAPS), a person needs both social interaction and time alone during grief. As humans are social creatures, it is only normal to spend time together or to want to. Everyone needs some physical and emotional comfort from other people, even if you are an introvert. “…Empathy of others allows us to express our natural and necessary grief outside of ourselves. Whenever we talk about our grief and share our stories of love and loss, we are taking a step toward healing,” Wolfelt notes, “…human beings need companionship.”

One study called The Grief Experience: Survey Shows It’s Complicated by Debbie Koenig from WebMD states that “The most common tactic (in grief): (is) spending more time with friends and family. Forty-four percent of all participants turned to other people for help.” This is just one example that proves how social interaction during grief can be beneficial to a person. Rick Warren from states in his article called Why You Need to Share Your Grief with Others, “You don’t have to share your feelings with everybody, but you do need to have one person you can confide in. Someone you can go to and say, ‘Hey, can I just tell you how I’m really feeling right now?’ This is someone who will listen, share in your pain and frustration, and then help you move forward.”

It can be worth it to share your grief with others. Whether you seek spiritual guidance, professional support, or even a friend, having someone to talk to can be a relief. They might have experienced what you are going through! Whatever your situation is, there is someone out there you can talk to. At Bakken Young, we provide grief counseling and other programs to help you with your grief. Speaking of which, there is an event coming up you may want to know about.

An Evening Out

Are you feeling like you need a way to be together with others or your loved ones? We have an opportunity for you! Please join us for a picnic in the park. This wonderful event will be held at the Lakefront Park in Hudson, Wisconsin on Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 from 6 – 8 PM. It is the perfect chance for you to receive social time, meet others, and find continuous support after a loss. Grilled meat will be provided by us, so just make sure to bring a potluck dish or something to share and your own lawn chair. RSVP to Julia Rajtar by Friday, July 21st at (715) 781-4003 or If there is bad weather, you will be notified via a phone call regarding cancelation. We look forward to seeing you! Click the link here for more details.


Solitude or Social Support in Grief? Why We Need Both | TAPS

The Grief Experience: Survey Shows It’s Complicated

Why You Need to Share Your Grief with Others – Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope

Bakken Young: Picnic at the Park

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