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Remembering Them During Easter

Remembering Them During Easter

With Easter right around the corner, you may remember family and loved ones who won’t join you this season. It breaks your heart and makes you not want to celebrate. While you don’t have to make big plans, find some tips here on why it is a perfect day to celebrate the lives of your loved ones. Start remembering them during Easter.

Remembering them during Easter is remembering their life

Easter is about life. New life, old life becoming new. Let yourself remember your loved one. Remember the good times and even the bad. Everyone, even our loved ones’ has flaws, but we still love them, don’t we? Take the time to recall your favorite memories and talk about them around the dinner table. Remember the times they caused you to laugh yourself silly, shed a tear out of kindness, or left you pondering something they said? Write these down. Make a journal about them, and let yourself express yourself that way. Remember their life, for every person on this planet is unique and lives a special life. Start fresh with yourself, too.

Easter is a time of new beginnings

Take this time to remember your loved ones in a new light. This day of the year is a sign of spring. Spring is when the trees start to come out of dormancy, blooming dainty buds and rose-colored flowers. Spring is when the migrating birds return, especially our iconic American Robin, Wisconsin’s state bird. Many people take robins as the first sign of spring, whereas the saying, “three snows on a robin’s back,” means that spring will return after the robin does. There is also the Christian side of Easter. We understand not everyone is Christian, but think about this next point. Easter is the mark of new beginnings. It is the chance to start fresh. Christ rose from the dead to give us a new beginning, to be with him in heaven if we only ask for forgiveness.

For the Christians

As we know that Easter is a new beginning, we know Easter is when Christ rose from the dead. He died because God loved us so much that he sacrificed himself by the weight of our sins. God did this so we could go to heaven someday. When your loved one passed, you experienced and still experience terrible grief and pain. This pain does not go unnoticed, after all, God experienced so much pain when he was crucified. He was grieving us for the sins we’ve made and misses us terribly when we deny his love. As Christians, we must forgive and love one another. Easter is a new beginning, so begin anew with your loved ones, friends, and acquaintances around you. Remember your loved one who passed, for they could be remembering you in an even better place: heaven.

Take advantage of our grief support services

Bakken-Young is here to support you in grief. We have multiple grief events available every month. Make sure to take a look at those here.

We understand not everyone is Christian, but this Easter season is especially important to Christians around the world. It is a perfect time to remember your loved one and to pray for them to be resting in peace above. After all, Easter is a time of new beginnings, remembering life, and fresh starts.

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