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Meaningful Memorials

Meaningful Memorials

How do you remember loved ones who have passed away? Do you hold onto traditions or do you remember mottos? Whatever you may routinely do to remember your loved ones, it means something to you. If you are looking for further ideas, want inspiration, want to create a meaningful memorial for someone else, or wonder how you can remember your loved one, read on. We will cover some ideas for meaningful memorials for you or things you can do for your grieving friend.


Meaningful memorials can be anything

Here’s a tip: whatever helps you remember your loved one or your friend remember theirs, is meaningful. There is no set of rules for remembering someone who impacted your life. 

You don’t have to be the one experiencing loss to make a meaningful memorial

Maybe you have a friend who is grieving and you want to do something for them to help them remember their loved one. Well, you certainly can. That is a thoughtful and meaningful gift for your friend as they experience grief.

So, you’re now interested in ways to make meaningful memorials. Let’s get into it!


Meaningful memorial crafts

Here are some things you can do to get you started on creating a meaningful memorial:

  • Cards: Design cards with some wise words for your loved one. Make a painting. Frame some photography. Use their artwork or photos on these too. Get their handwriting on there!
  • Shadowbox: Make a shadow or memorial box of your loved one’s handwriting, photos, favorite objects, pieces of clothing, drawings, or more.
  • Usable objects: Get their quotes, photos, things that represent them, or handwriting printed on kitchen towels, hand towels, framed on wallhangings, recipes, etc.!
  • Scents: Don’t get rid of perfume or cologne. Save it! You can use this in so many ways. One other thing you can do is save their candles or make candles.
  • Flowers: Get memorial flowers into resin or dried in glass.
  • Ornaments with their clothing inside, images, handwriting, etc.
  • Pillows of their clothing
  • Plants: Planting trees or their favorite plants, taking care of their plants, and propagating them.
  • Using jars: Memory jar, quote jar, etc.
  • Art: Painting rocks and placing them around town, drawing or sketching, etc.

And the list goes on! 


Meaningful memorial activities

Here are other things you can do if you prefer to avoid scissors or paint.

  • Explore: Go to the places they went. Let yourself sit in silence and imagine them there with you. Go outside in nature to breathe fresh air, and let yourself admire those little things around you. You could also travel and do runs/walks.
  • Donations: Have you thought about donating to a cause? You can take this time to donate to a favorite non-profit or one that they connect with. Maybe, start your own to help others!
  • Writing: Journal about them. Write about them. You can remember your loved one through poetry, songwriting, writing down quotes, describing every detail about them (physically, emotionally, using your five senses and how they made you feel), and more.
  • Music: Listen to their music, make playlists of their songs or songs you are reminded of them.
  • Other acts of kindness: Paying it forward, opening a door, compliments, smiling, hugs, encouragement, forgiveness, and mercy.

There are so many awesome ways you can remember your loved one. Plus, there are plenty of options for you to help your friend by making their day with a craft. Take advantage of the internet and especially Pinterest for more ideas!


Bakken-Young is here for a meaningful memorial for your loved one

At Bakken-Young, we ensure your loved one’s wishes are carried out to every detail. You deserve to be at peace knowing the arrangements are in good hands. That’s why we are here. You can count on us to properly honor your loved one. We will be here to support you before, during, and after this process with our planning, memorial services, and grief support services. You are not alone. Contact us today if you would like help with planning or pre-planning.


Check out our other grief support blogs

Creative Ways to Honor Loved Ones at Weddings

Three Tips to Consider as You Support Your Grieving Friend

Meals to Make for Your Grieving Friend


Sources for a few ideas

Memorial Crafts for Loved Ones

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