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Bringing Hope to Those Affected by Childhood Cancer

Bringing Hope to Those Affected by Childhood Cancer

Cancer. It’s a feared word by all who hear it. Now imagine that you find out your child has been diagnosed with cancer. What a tremendous load that would be. For some of you, you don’t have to imagine it because it is a reality. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month so in honor of all those children who are struggling with these horrible diseases, let’s work together to encourage and bring hope to those affected.

You may be wondering what you can do. You are only one person and you can’t cure cancer. While that may have some truth to it, there are also many things you can do, little and small to help those whose lives are touched by childhood cancer. Whether you know someone whose child has cancer, your own child has a form of cancer, or you know no one who has childhood cancer, there are many steps you can take to help. Let’s discover what those are together.

Give Of Your Time

There are so many ways to encourage others who are affected by childhood cancer and giving your time in some way is one of the best. Whether it’s participating in the St Jude Walk/Run event, volunteering your time at Children’s hospital, or finding another worthy way to give of your time, you won’t be sorry.

If you have a friend or family member whose child is battling cancer, ask them what way you could serve their family. Treat them to a special day out, make a favorite meal, or watch the kids while the parents have a date night. The ways to serve them are endless and they will be so appreciative.

Become an Advocate

Speak up for those who are fighting a big battle. Find out what events are going on around you that benefit fighting childhood cancer and share it with others. Encourage others to join you when signing up for those kinds of events and share the stories that you discover through your journey. Another easy way to be an advocate is sharing articles like these with your friends and family. Simply hit the green logo on the side of this article to see the many ways in which you can share this article.

Change Your Facebook Profile Picture Filter

Another simple way to be an advocate for those struggling against childhood cancer is to change your Facebook Profile picture. Follow these simple instructions in the month of September and you can change your photo to have a frame that supports Childhood Cancer Awareness month. What a simple way to spread the word!

Give. Donate. Encourage others to give.

While you may not be able to cure cancer yourself, you can donate towards scientists that are working towards a cure and other treatments. There are many great organizations to give to, but here is our short list of trusted organizations that are working towards ending childhood cancer.

If you’d like to give to other Pediatric Cancer Charities that are doing great work, but not focusing on research, check out this article by Daily Parent for some great suggestions.

Donate Your Hair

Giving something away to help childhood cancer patients can be easy as growing your hair and getting it cut! There are great organizations like Wigs for Kids and Lock of Love where you can donate your hair to make wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair during their treatment. It is a simple and free way to give back dignity to someone struggling with cancer.

These are just a few ways to spread hope and encouragement to those affected by childhood cancer. Do your part by taking these suggestions to heart and sharing these ideas with those around you. Together, we can work towards an end to childhood cancer!

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