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5 Ways Grief and the Seasons are Similar 

 Spring can be a hopeful season. Grief and the seasons are similar. Grief can feel like a long cold winter. Winter’s cold air hurts the skin, the sun rarely shines and hibernation feels only natural. Grief can feel the same. Questioning if the sadness will ever leave. Just when you feel like you can’t take it one more day. The sun comes out, snow melts away and signs of life return. Flowers start to bloom and the world looks a little more beautiful. 


5 Ways Grief and the Seasons are Similar

1. Be hopeful

Things feel cold and cloudy now but know that there is hope on the horizon. The future is full of opportunities for healing as well as new life. You don’t have to leave your loved one behind for good, you can carry their spirit with you moving forward.

2.  Don’t be afraid to start over. 

Looking at a garden full of beautiful flowers can be so peaceful. To see nature in all its glory can be very healing. If you have a green thumb you may know that some flowers are annuals and some are perennials. Perennials come back more than one season without replanting. Annuals must be planned out and planted each new season. Much like life and grief, some things spring back to life while others must start new

3. There will still be cloudy days

When spring shows its face it feels so lovely. Along with the changing of the seasons there are often rain clouds and thunderstorms that show up at times. If the storm comes we take shelter. Just like grief, we may have moments where things are not feeling so good and we need to take shelter for a moment but the sun comes out again.

4. It may take some upkeep to remain beautiful

Looking at that beautiful full garden of flowers you must also know that someone has to take care of the garden to keep it looking so nice. Just as plants need sun and water and someone to pull the weeds grief healing needs upkeep. It is important to have other things in life to “fill your bucket” or make you feel happy. It is important to go to therapy or find a support group to continue on a healthy path of healing. 


5. There will be longer periods of stable weather

Spring is a time when the sun shines more often. Snow is melted, buds start to appear on trees and flowers begin to bloom. The saying goes that April showers bring May flowers. Early spring can show glimmers of hope for sunshine and warmer weather. At the same time there is more rain and thunderstorms. The rain however helps the new life grow and brilliant colors return. The grass is green and flowers bloom. As spring passes and turns into summer the unpredictable weather subsides and things become more stable and consistent. Grief is so much the same. 


Grief and the seasons have similarities. We all go through storms and a period that can be unpredictable. The storms however create an opportunity to grow. As the storms pass we come into a season that is more consistent and has so much beauty to behold. There is nothing wrong with reminiscing on past seasons but know that every new season has hope and healing. 


If you need to find more resources and further support go here for more info. 


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