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Essentials to Pre Planning a Funeral

Funerals exist for the living. Making plans for your funeral while you are still alive is always the best case scenario. Pre planning involves a number of important pieces. Here we will talk about the main areas to focus on and why pre planning is so beneficial. 



Feeling emotionally depleted. Crying and feeling at such a loss. Nobody wants to worry about money when they are mourning. Poor decisions can be made much easier. Small details can go unnoticed. It’s just no fun to have to add the stress of dealing with money when you are in the depths of grief and mourning.

Pre Planning Allows

  • Locked in funeral prices
  • Less stress in trying to manage the cost all at once


What Do You Want?

Without any pre planning the bulk of your funeral will be decided by family members. Hopefully you have loved ones who know you well and could honor you how you want or maybe you don’t. The best way to know that your wishes and preferences are being honored is to plan it yourself.  Do you want a religious ceremony or not and what music will play? Pre planning lets your wishes be honored.


Avoid Probate Court Issues

According to, “The role of the probate court is to make sure that a deceased person’s debts are paid and assets are allocated to the correct beneficiaries. The term probate is used to describe the legal process that manages the assets and liabilities left behind by a recently deceased person.”

Essentially it is important to have properties and other assets written into a will that may keep your loved ones from having to deal with probate court issues. 

Keep Pre Planning Paperwork in Order

Filing important paperwork and having an organized system for accessing it can be a crucial piece of pre planning. Whether it is passwords for all your accounts to the actual will itself it is important to have these items in order. First  have all of your important papers organized and filed finally make sure that there is another person who knows how to access them in the case of your death. 

Release the Burden Off Your Family 

One of the most beneficial results of pre planning is that it removes the burden from your family.  The day of your funeral loved ones will be grieving. They will be missing you and wishing you were there with them. Having a plan in hand will lessen the amount of stress and assure that you are honored in the way you desire.


You can find more information about pre planning and funeral services here. 

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