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New Pandemic Perspective for a New Normal

New Pandemic Perspective for a New Normal

Pandemic Life Lessons to Live By

Life took a pretty abrupt turn for most of us over the past 6 weeks or so.  The Coronavirus, covid-19 has created a global pandemic. We have been forced to slow down a little.  Teaching our children home school has allowed us to get to know them in a new way. It also gives many of us extra appreciation for their teachers and school administrators. I’m hopeful that as time goes on these habits become a part of a new normal.

Family dinners that we just never had time to manifest have become a nightly habit now. Without the time crunch or the pressure to get to the next activity parents are taking the time to jump rope or read another story.

 While it is true that we are all experiencing this pandemic differently, many of us are getting a chance to open our eyes to a new perspective on life. As things start to open up again what new normal will you create?

I have seen more people than ever out taking walks and not just the frazzled housewife who needs a break. I have seen entire families including teenagers walking and talking together.  It is amazing how much we missed those things. It is amazing how sometimes it takes a pandemic to realize that these are the good old days. We must take advantage of this time and make all the memories we can. When we approach the end of our lives we can look at this as a turning point that reminded us to make the rest of our life, the best of our life. 


Creating a New Normal

Ask yourself these questions

  • How has this experience opened your eyes to the way that you want to live?
  • If today was your last day would you feel as though you lived your life in an awesome way?
  • What are you missing that is keeping you from making this life your own adventure?
  • What do you value in life and what do you need to change to live in line with those values?
  • When it’s all said and done were you able to live a life that will carry on the legacy you desire?

As things start to open back up and the new normal emerges, let’s make a real effort to make these positive changes a part of that new normal.  While many are experiencing the end of their own life or that of a loved one as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic we must take this as a wake up call to start living now. Whether we have a little or a long time, let’s start to live intentionally now!



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