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Fun at a Funeral

Tears of sorrow, dark clothes and sad songs. Fun at a funeral is not exactly a commonly used phrase. Funerals are filled with sadness, mourning and memories. 


Some may even question if it is appropriate to smile or laugh or show any form of joy or happiness at a funeral. When it comes to death and dying it is a very serious matter and there is grief and mourning. The tears and sadness is expected, but is it ok to have fun at a funeral?


People die every day and so many of those loved ones had the greatest personality. This is part of what makes us miss them so much. They lived life to the fullest. Never took things too seriously, especially themselves. We so badly want those people and those characteristics to live on. 


I have compiled a list of quotes, jokes and just fun little thoughts that hopefully remind us all that even in death our loved ones personality can live on.

It is quite alright for there to be fun at a funeral.


  • At my funeral I want to have an omelet bar with a sign that says “good mourning” so I can get one final laugh from beyond the grave.
  • Thanks for being the kind of friend who will laugh during the eulogy at my funeral because you knew the real story.
  • Just before I die, I am going to swallow a bag of popcorn kernels.  My cremation is going to be epic!
  • At my funeral take the bouquet off my casket and throw it in the crowd to see who is next. D.L Bettes
  • If you cry at my funeral, I will never speak to you again.  -Stan Laurel
  • At my funeral I’d like there to be a piñata because I would like people to be happy……..But filled with bees so they’re not too happy.


I hope that when you read through these fun quotes it brings to mind memories of a loved one who would want nothing more than to have some humor and fun at their funeral. As you think of your own eventual funeral or the funeral of a loved one, ask yourself how you can add the personality of the person who it is honoring. Reminiscing about the humor a loved one shared, telling their old jokes and stories can be a great way to work through grief and keep the pieces of them that were so amazing.

For more information on planning a funeral, click here. As always, we are here to answer any of your questions or help you with end of life planning. Give us a call today

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