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Dying Without a Will

Dying without a will? Actor Chadwick Boseman who played  Marvel superhero Black Panther in the blockbuster movie has been in the news recently. Chadwick passed away two months ago from stage 4 colon cancer. Chadwick battled cancer for four years according to close family. He kept the battle from his many fans. It was a shock for all when the news of his passing was revealed. It was later reported that he died without a will.  

Boseman had no dependents but married his long time girlfriend, Simone Ledward in 2020 before he passed. She is now asking to be administrator over the 43 year old’s estate. Another celebrity who died without written instructions for after death was recording artist Prince. Prince passed away in 2016 at the age of 57 with no legal instructions for his $300 million estate.

No matter the value of assets dying without a will is a hard problem to solve

Well known celebrities who die without a will make the news because we imagine they have full  access to the best financial planners and lots of money and assets to protect. It is always shocking news when they pass unprepared. The reality though is that it isn’t just celebrities who need to be prepared for after death. Pre-planning your funeral and having a written will is important for all of us. 


Whether you have millions in assets or simply want to make your death easier on your loved ones pre-planning is so important. 


Why Pre-planning a Funeral is Essential

  • Saves your loved ones additional grief trying to manage all the loose ends.
  • Ensures your memory and legacy is what you desire. 
  • Allows your assets to be distributed to the people and places that are important to you. 
  • Avoids loved ones having to go hunting for important paperwork, accounts and assets. 
  • Keeps loved ones from financial strain or needing to go to the courts to resolve issues. 

More Than a Movie Theme

It is a common theme in movies and books and even real life crime stories and court battles. Someone dies and doesn’t leave a will behind. The family has certain expectations of what will happen with the deceased assets and the problem is nobody agrees on what those are. It often leads to discord in the family and can taint the connection and memory of the person who died. The reality is this story is more common than you may think and it occurs even when the assets are not worth millions. 


The first step is starting the conversation with a trusted professional. Life is unpredictable; you never know what may happen tomorrow. Being prepared for after death can be a hard subject to broach but is oh so important. Start your planning today so you leave your loved ones without the burden of having to fight over your will. 


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