With the summer heat pouring down on us, many of the gardeners out there are starting to gather harvest from their vegetable gardens or are enjoying the beautiful flowers from their flower garden. And of course weeding, there never seems to be an end to the weeding. If you’re a gardener who has lost a loved one, we’ve come up with 6 creative garden memorials to put in your garden. Every time you enjoy your garden, you can remember your loved one with one of these lovely garden memorials.
Remembrance Wind Chime
The sound of the wind chimes on a breezy day can be so calming. This beautiful wind chime by the WeatheredRaindrop shop on Etsy is gorgeous. You can engrave the name of your loved one so that it is a part of the wind chime. Every time you hear the soft tinkle of the chimes, you can remember your loved one.
Memorial Tree Seedlings
This is a great idea as a memorial gift for a wedding or a funeral. These beautiful tree seedlings from Next Gen Memorials can be given out as a remembrance memorial for your loved one. Your friends and family can all enjoy seeing the tree grow and will remember your loved one who has passed away.
Stone Memorial Bench
With this thoughtful memorial stone bench, you can take the time to sit in your garden and enjoy the beautiful scents and scene while you remember your loved one. This company also offers many other stone bench messages as well as these stepping stones. Find one that fits your garden and enjoy the beautiful memorial.
Special Garden Area
If find gardening especially therapeutic, consider making a special spot in your garden dedicated to your loved one who has passed away. Whether you plant shrubs or flowers or a combination of both, add a beautiful bench like the one shown above so you can sit and relax in your new oasis.
Plant a Memorial Perennial
Having a perennial bush, shrub or flower that you plant in memory of your loved one will allow you to remember and honor your loved one year after year. A lovely lavender bush would look and smell lovely every year as the blossoms remind you that even after the death of winter, there is new life every year.
We hope these ideas inspire you to include one of these memorial ideas in your garden. They will be sure to look beautiful and remind you of your deceased loved one. Do you have additional ideas for garden memorials? We would love to hear them! Share with us on our Facebook page or in the comments below.
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